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Log Handler

A handler to write logs with an easy to use logging library that can be sourced from scripts. It allows logging to an arbitrary file, to STDERR, or to a syslog facility. It supports eight logging levels.


The log handler can be used as program or library.


With the SIMPLE console output for STDERR it can also be used as colorization toolkit. STDOUT is not supported here because it may become problematic with functions doing both, sending results through STDOUT and logging to STDOUT.



For usage as command or library the configuration is the same and fully optional:

# basic output selection
LOG_CONSOLE='SIMPLE'                # output to STDERR (default)
LOG_CONSOLE='FULL'                  # output to STDERR without date, tag, pid and type
# alternatively or additionally use one of the following
LOG_FILE='/var/log/myscript.log'    # output in file
SYSLOG_FACILITY='local7'            # output to syslog
# specify logging
LOG_LEVEL='INFO'                    # minimum log level
LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT='AUTO_INFO'       # default log level to use if none
LOG_DATE_FORMAT="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
LOG_TAG="test"                      # defaults to current process name
# file rotation
LOG_ROTATE_NUM=<max number of files>
# user defined auto detection and coloring (regexp)
# command log calls
LOG_CMD_QUIET=1                     # will prevent call and success messages
LOG_CMD_LEVEL=AUTO_INFO             # the log level used for command output


To use it within the shell you can use the binary under bin/log. For easier use you may also add it to the path like used in the following example:

log <type> <message>      # log to file
cat xxx | log             # pipe to log
cat xxx | log <type>      # pipe with specific log type
log INFO <../list.txt     # output file contents


If you use it within another bash file you can also include the library and use it directly, which will also include the colors library:

source ../bash-lib/log.bash  # log handler

After that messages may be invoked easily using:

log INFO "process is working"
log_exit EMERG "preprocessing not done, stopping" 16

While the first call will only output the log message, the second call also exits the running program with the additionally given exit code.

To log the call of some other routines use:

log_cmd date +%Y-%m-%d

This will use the auto detection logger and give you the result of the command in variable $result while also piping the output together with errors to the log module.

Piping messages

But you can also pipe output from other commands directly to the log:

run-process | log INFO # log stdin
run-process 2>&1 >/dev/null | log ERROR # log stderr
run-process |& log INFO # log stdin + stderr
result=$(run-process |& tee >(log) | cat) # log output and store it in variable

The following lines show how to use different settings for STDOUT and STDERR.

( run-process | log INFO ) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | log ERROR # log both differently
( run-process 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | log ERROR ) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | log INFO # priorize INFO

But keep in mind that this may lead to double logging if LOG_CONSOLE is used.

You can also use tee to duplicate output streams.

Auto detect Level

Often useful in pipes but also usable in other log messages is the special AUTO log setting:

run-process |& log
run-process |& log AUTO

This will auto detect the concrete log level for each line. Currently TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, MARK, WARN, WARNING, HEADING, ERR, ERROR, CRIT, CRITICAL, ALERT, EMERG and EMERGENCY will trigger the specified log type. Some other keywords are also interpreted and all other lines are output using the minimum level.

You can also specify a higher or lower minimum level as DEBUG by using:

run-process |& log AUTO_INFO
run-process |& log AUTO_WARN
run-process |& log AUTO_TRACE

If this is set the minimum level be the given one but it will be increased by auto detection.

To add more rules for the auto detection you may add a regular expression per each log level:

declare -A LOG_AUTO # only needed if defined before loading the liubrary

It is always case insensitive and will be used additionaly to the default detection.

Log Levels

Eight logging levels are supported, combining the levels from the Python logging module and RFC 5424.

Level Numeric Syslog Origin Usage
TRACE or VERBOSE 5 7 Log Utilities Very detailed logging (not always used)
DEBUG 10 7 RFC 5424 Diagnostically helpful messages
INFO 20 6 RFC 5424 Something which may be useful to know
NOTICE 25 5 RFC 5424 Success message or step done
MARK 25 5 own extension Special marked like information asked for
WARN or WARNING 30 4 RFC 5424 Warning which may be OK
HEADING 35 4 own extension Start of new bigger Part
ERR or ERROR 40 3 RFC 5424 An error which can occur
CRIT or CRITICAL 50 2 RFC 5424 An error which should not occur
ALERT 60 1 RFC 5424 Very critical like incorrect method call
EMERG or EMERGENCY 70 0 RFC 5424 Something which should never happen

Setting the LOG_LEVEL in the script will log subsequent log messages at that value or higher only. The LOG_LEVEL may be changed anytime within the script.

While the most log levels are from the error levels, we also added MARK and HEADING as report levels which don't have an real error case. This allows to also use the log library to send informational higher prioritized output.

File rotation

While the library keeps the log file opened for better performance you can't rotate it using external tools. But the integrated rotation will do perfectly fine.

But you are also free to do this on your own.

Rotate by date


If this is set the current logs will go in the normal log file but on a new day the old file will be renamed with it's date pattern appended.

The rotated files may also be compressed by setting the LOG_ROTATE_COMPRESS flag.

Rotate by size

To rotate on fixed file size use:

LOG_ROTATE_NUM=<max number of files>

The rotated files may also be compressed by setting the LOG_ROTATE_COMPRESS flag.

But you can't combine the two rotation methods by date and by size, currently.

Switching log file

If really necessary, it is possible to switch log file by changing the setting of LOG_FILE and calling log_init without parameters.

Log Commands

It is also possible to log details from the commands completely:

log_cmd sudo apt-get update >/dev/null

This will log the called command, the output and error messages, the exit code and pipe the standard output further on.

[INFO     ] calling: sudo apt-get update
[TRACE    ] OK:1 bionic InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:2 stable InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:3 bionic InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:4 bionic-updates InRelease
[TRACE    ] Holen:5 bionic InRelease [131 kB]
[TRACE    ] OK:6 buster-pgdg InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:7 stable InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:8 bionic-backports InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:9 bionic-security InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:10 jessie-pgdg InRelease
[TRACE    ] OK:11 /bionic InRelease
[TRACE    ] Es wurden 131 kB in 2 s geholt (76,0 kB/s).
[TRACE    ] Paketlisten werden gelesen...
[WARN     ] W: Das Laden der konfigurierten Datei »multiverse/binary-i386/Packages« wird übersprungen, da das Depot » /bionic InRelease« die Datei scheinbar nicht bereitstellt. (Schreibfehler bei der Angabe der Komponente in sources.list?)
[NOTICE   ] sudo call succeeded

Last update: January 17, 2023