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Mostly this Module will be used within the Alinex Server, if this is the case follow the instructions there.

NodeJS Installation

To get the server up and running you have to install it on a linux system.

First if you don't have NodeJS v10 or newer running install it:

sudo pacman -S nodejs npm
sudo pacman -S python-pygments # used in the helper to colorize cli output
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt-get install -y python-pygments # used in the helper to colorize cli output

Package Install

Then you can simply install the NPM package:

npm install -g @alinex/checkup

Alternatively you may also download and install the code from gitlab:

cd node-checkup
npm install

Use native Postgres driver

This is not necessary, but can bring you a better performance for a production system.

You need PostgreSQL client libraries & tools installed. An easy way to check is to type pg_config. If pg_config is in your path, you should be good to go. If it's not in your path you'll need to install:

sudo pacman -S postgresql-libs
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev g++ make
sudo yum install postgresql-devel
sudo brew install postgres
  • Install Visual Studio C++ (successfully built with Express 2010). Express is free.
  • Install PostgreSQL (
  • Add your Postgre Installation's bin folder to the system path (i.e. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin).
  • Make sure that both libpq.dll and pg_config.exe are in that folder.

Now pg_config should be in your path and you can install the NodeJS module:

cd node-checkup
npm install pg-native

Update Package

If it was installed through NPM you only have to call the update command:

npm update -g @alinex/server

If installed from git, do the following from within the application directory:

# remove local changes
$ git stash save --keep-index
$ git stash drop
# get new code and modules
$ git pull
$ npm install